As I sit here bored out my mind watching MTV’s true and drinking an extremely nasty beer (Leinenpiugel’s Sunset Wheat Beer). The only thing I get out of this show is that there is love for everyone out there. I’m watching a broke fat guy with a beautiful model type looking chick. How did it happen…who knows? Can I hate…No! As I sit here and watch the TV I was thinking. Have you ever made it to point in your life where you get tired of working for someone else due to the fact it is not what you want to be doing in life? I’ve been at the point for a while now, that’s why I have made the move. I can’t wait to finish school and obtain a journalism degree but the same time I would It be amazing to own a night lounge and doing up the way I want it. Being your OWN BOSS would be the dream Job! Lot’s of stress and pressure but everything is done your way! I can’t wait for school to start so I can get back on track, and come back to California Successful! That is the plan in this small journey of mine while having a good time.
Two things I do not like right now are Black Guys in Skinny Jeans wearing UGG Boots and the Skin-It Commercial done in Auto-Tune!
I’m currently listening to the Kooley High Mixtape in my Car out the moment. My favorite track is Kooley is High. Check out the video Below!
Well I’m at a loss of words at the moment….So Arizona Peeps can catch here tonight! Cali Friends feel free to drive out and check it out!

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