Welcome to the second artist feature on wakeupmrbess.blogspot.com. Sorry that I haven’t been keeping everyone updated on my random thoughts, and staying true to my blog a day diet. Despite I go to school full time and work full time, there is no excuse for flaking out on my blog a day diet!
As I said before, welcome to the second artist feature on wakeupmrbess.blogspot.com. How many people get excited when you have a new friend request on MySpace? I know I get excited when I see that message pop up. “I hope it’s a fine girl!” Come to find out, it’s a music artist. Most artists don’t even get a chance with me. I automatically click deny! Well one day I decided to give someone a chance. I got a friend request from an artist by the name of VERSIS. The song that came on is titled “Time’s a Wastin’” which caught my attention right away. He has his own unique style, and all his tracks are definitely worth listening to. VERSIS definitely has a bright future ahead of him. He has the skills and talent to take him a long way, and is someone you need look out for in the future. So next time you get a random friend request on MySpace and it is from an artist by the name of VERSIS, I would just go head and add him because he is making moves!!!!
Mr. Bess: Being that this is your first Blogspot interview, can you let the readers and future fans know a little about yourself?
VERSIS: I'm in this to make people remember the times when the MC was insatiable when it came to nourishment; staying hungry is the key to me. I’m not a songwriting robot, I write when I feel moved. Writing for the sake of it doesn't cut-it for me. I started off as just a fan; slowly, I started noticing I had a way with words. Those words turned to lines, lines to rhymes, rhymes to songs.
Mr. Bess: What inspired you to come up with the name VERSIS?
VERSIS: I initially wanted to be seen as 'the alternative,’ in other words “versus," thus the spawning of my stage name.
Mr. Bess: What made you want to get involved with Hip Hop?
VERSIS: Back in elementary school my cousin and older brother bumped nothin' but the classics.They would play everything from A Tribe Called Quest to the early Black Eyed Peas. I remember listening and asking myself: "HOW do they do that?!" Haha! I got a clue my freshman year of high school. I moved in with my older brother after moms & I had a falling-out. Turns out he had some programs installed on his computer (Reason, Garage Band etc.) I fooled around with that for some time, and then I started writing to my production. My boy from Inglewood, CA, Lucid was a few steps ahead of me on the production. He started sending me instrumentals & I'd get to writing. Sometimes, I’d bring 'em to school via CD and let Foci (featured on "Detonation") hear his and my productions. It wasn't until late '08 that I was urged by a mentor-figure to get a bit more serious about music. Here I am.
Mr. Bess: Who are some of your musical influences?
VERSIS: Man...Not fair….Haha! Let me give you a brief list: Slum Village, Black Milk, SelfSays, Erule, DJ Quik, Black Moon, & needless to say A Tribe Called Quest.
Mr. Bess: March 26, 2009 was your first time on stage at the House of Blues. How was your first experience?
VERSIS: Yes, yes...It was fun. I learned some things that night. If the engineers don't turn your mic up, you gotta turn it up yourself. Haha! I wasn't as nervous as I'd thought I'd be. The moment before I got on stage, my legs started to tremble a little, but I sucked it up, went on, despite I felt the trembles trying to return a few times during the set.
Mr. Bess: In your HOB (House of Blues) backstage video, it is said that a girl went up to you and talked to you. Was that really the first time a girl came up to talk to you…lol?!?!?!?!
VERSIS: Haha! That was Foci trying to burn me in front of the masses. I WILL say that was the 1st time a girl randomly approached me, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I never did get her name.
Mr. Bess: Random GIRL who kissed VERSIS…….If you are out there, Give him the digits…Hahaha!
Mr. Bess: What is the VERSIS writing process for making a song?
VERSIS: I'd hate to say it as cliché as it sounds, but my everyday life adds to it. I remember certain things from times past, and if they stuck with me, they just may show-up in a rhyme. There has been many times where I'd be in class and something would pop up in my head; I’d scramble for paper, and scribble it down. I'd either start-up something there, or finish it when I'd find a beat to suit it.
Mr. Bess: What message do you have for the world through your music?
VERSIS: Make adversity work in YOUR favor.
Mr. Bess: When can we expect an album from VERSIS?
VERSIS: Haha I felt that was coming...I'm actually working on an EP with my boy, Lucid that should be done sometime this year. Dude's a dope producer, and he is a bit younger than me. I've known him since elementary. That’s all I'm going to say. Oh, and we're BRINGIN' it!!! If you stay ready, you don't got to get ready!
Mr. Bess: Name three albums that everyone should own.
VERSIS: 1.) Slum Village: Fan-Tas-Tic Vol. 1, 2.) DJ Quik: Balance & Options, 3.) De La Soul: The Grind Date
Mr. Bess: If you had the opportunity to work with any artist right now, who would it be?
VERSIS: I'd have to say Elzhi of Slum Village.
MR. BESS: Personally, I prefer Underground Hip Hop over mainstream Hip Hop, because I feel they have more to say, and a better message. What do you believe are the biggest struggles for Underground Hip Hop Artist?
VERSIS: Some of the only adversities I'm facing is being listened to, but not being heard. People tend to just feel vibes and judge music on just that vibe. I also have to deal with the fact that most of the good lyricists make sounds that fall upon deaf ears for some time. Oh yea……and the MISCONCEPTION of the term "underground." I feel that when some people hear that term, they’re automatically turned-off.
Mr. Bess: Lastly, what kind of tips can you offer for someone else who is trying to get into the Hip Hop game?
VERSIS: Do YOU;"assimilation's not an option"
BE SURE TO SUPPORT VERSIS APRIL 17th, 2009 at the 2nd Street JAZZ Lounge IN Los Angeles, CA

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